Your IT Strategy for 2022: Get Ready for Upcoming Trends

4 min readNov 4, 2021


The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on every company. The transition to remote work was a serious challenge for many: it was necessary to adapt business processes in the shortest possible time, quickly eliminate emerging gaps, and at the same time, pay attention to the development of the company. In addition to this, companies faced other inconveniences. In this article we will consider in which trends the IT market will evolve in 2022, to come prepared.

1. Cloud computing

Cloud computing has been evolving by leaps and bounds for at least 7–10 years. The main driver in the development of this segment is that many IT companies do not need to keep and maintain their own fleet of hardware (server and network solutions) needed for the functioning of projects and products. You can move that function to the cloud (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.) by paying money for it.

Scale and maintain the business growth many times faster and more efficiently with the cloud. Increasingly aggressive competition and rapid growth of IT companies have led to a new round of development and popularization of cloud solutions.

2. Ensuring security and privacy

Due to the widespread adoption of digital technologies, the cybersecurity of companies has become one of the most pressing topics among IT specialists. Cybercriminals come up with more and more new schemes to deceive users and steal their data. The recent Facebook outage and the leaking of a huge number of users’ databases only accelerated this trend.

Absolutely all companies, from small private companies to industrial giants, are thinking about the need for cybersecurity and privacy. IDC predicts that in 2022, enterprises focused on digital resiliency will adapt to disruptions 50% faster than those focused on restoring existing levels of business/IT resiliency.

There is also a growing segment of solutions to monitor the activity of employees at remote locations. Gartner predicts that by 2025, half of the large organizations will deploy computing systems that provide data privacy in untrusted environments.

3. Automation of business processes and solutions

Automation has already become one of the hottest trends in IT. Analysts note a huge demand for automation of repetitive manual processes and tasks. At the same time, companies are moving from automation of single tasks to automation of processes with multiple tasks, as well as to functional automation of multiple processes and even to automation at the business ecosystem level.

IDC predicts that by 2023, all IT and automation initiatives will use the cloud ecosystem as the underlying framework that extends real-time resource management and analytics capabilities. This requires organizations to integrate AI and machine learning-based analytics, implement automation and autonomous infrastructure.

4. Development of the IoT segment.

The world’s leading IT companies are busy developing digital systems that interact with humans. These systems are especially relevant during the transition to contactless service, hence, they are the trend in IT developments in the coming years and probably decades. The development of the IoT segment is already seen as one of the most promising trends.

The development of 5G technology contributes to the fact that IoT will squeeze deeper and deeper into various application markets and transform entire industries, stimulating process optimization and creating additional services. Improved sensor capabilities will enable smart devices to respond more appropriately to changes in the environment, and thus increase the value of IoT as a whole.

5. Artificial Intelligence

The global pandemic has pushed AI to the top of the corporate agenda, increasing business resilience and relevance. The reason is that AI enables the analysis of increasingly large amounts of data, often unstructured, in real-time.

According to Forbes, AI tools are most in-demand on the front end of the customer experience — in marketing and sales. Forty percent of respondents from these departments are using AI advances. As research firm Gartner points out, AI embedded in analytics and other marketing software will free up more than a third of analysts in marketing departments and organizations by 2022.

AI is most attractive for use in lead scoring, anomaly detection, marketing performance management, and reporting. Among the areas of AI most interesting to businesses advanced in machine learning, conversational AI (chatbots), and computer vision.

6. Remote collaboration

About 47% of managers in North America surveyed by Forrester during the pandemic expect a steady increase in full-time remote employees, and 53% of employees said they want to work from home more often even after the pandemic.

Moreover, as companies shifted to remote work, requirements for employee responsibility, self-organization and autonomy have become stricter, so so-called “soft skills” will receive more attention. Written communication skills, rapid problem solving, and the ability to communicate are becoming priority characteristics. In this context, it is necessary to look for the most profitable ways to solve the issue of remote work. For example, it is possible to cooperate with deliberate companies that offer specialists from all over the world for a lower price.


To summarize, it is worth adding that today and in the near future all IT specialists will be in demand: from layout designers and front-end developers to project managers. IT infrastructure requires a constant influx of new workers all the time, whether it’s at the very beginning of a project or a scaling event. In this situation, it is great to be able to get as many professionals as you need in a short time at a reasonable cost.

This is exactly what UNITEDCODE offers in our unique service. We will select the right professionals for you exactly as much as you need and make sure that their hard and soft skills meet your expectations and corporate culture. Get in touch with us now, as we work with a limited number of partners simultaneously.




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